
Sun Ra documentary 2005

O, we sing this song to... abolish sorrow
O, we sing this song for... the great tomorrow

"Sun Ra and his Arkestra were the subject of a few documentary films, notably Robert Mugge's 'A Joyful Noise' (1980), which interspersed performances and rehearsals with Sun Ra's commentary on various subjects ranging from today's youth to his own place in the cosmos. 

Don Letts' 'Sun Ra, Brother From Another Planet' from 2005, reuses some of Mugge's material and includes some additional interviews." 

Rashomon by Akira Kurosawa

RASHOMON Director: Akira Kurosawa
A heinous crime and its aftermath are recalled from differing points of view.

Here's a link to the Sense of Cinema article about the Tenno  or the Emperor as he was called by his contemporaries in Japan.